We are IndieBound!

Why shop Indie?

When you shop at an independently owned business, your entire community benefits:

The Economy

  • Spend $100 at a local owned business and $52 stays in your community.
  • Spend $50 at a national chain and keep $6.50 in the local economy.
  • Spend $50 online with a remote vendor with no sales tax collected and keep not one penny in your local community.
  • Local businesses create higher-paying jobs for our neighbors.
  • More of your taxes are reinvested in your community-where they belong.

The Environment

  • Buying local means less packaging, less transportation, and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Shopping in a local business district mens less infrastructure, less maintenance,and more money to beauty your community.

The Community

  • Local retailers are your friends and neighbors-support them and they'll support you
  • Local businesses donate to charities at more than twice the rate of national chains.
  • More independents mean more choice, more diversity, and a truly unique community.

Now is the time to stand up and join your fellow individuals in the IndieBound mission supporting local businesses and celebrating independents.